
Send us an e-mail

Call us on:

01420 88333


There are three ways you can become a member of the NPS.
  • Online
  • Postal
  • Telephone

For a full list of benefits of membership, please click HERE

You can take out membership through our online system – or click HERE.

If you have been a member at any time since 2013, or competed at the Spring Festival or Summer Championships at any time since 2013, then you will have an account within the Online system.

If you cannot remember your username and password please click on the ‘forgotten password’ button on the log in screen and then enter your email address and a reminder will be sent, if you can not remember the email address linked to your account please contact the office on or 01420 88333.

Please download and fill in the form below and return to:

The National Pony Society
National Pony Society, RASE Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG.


  • Membership Form 2025
  • Competition Qualification Card

Please also find a download for the qualification card that is to be used to gain qualification for the NPS/Supreme Products Young Rider Final and and NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Finals. Please use separate cards for each pony that is aiming to qualify for any of these prestigious finals, as qualification cards for these finals will no longer be awarded in the ring. If you require additional cards, please contact the office or you can download, print and fold the card above for use in the ring. The card needs to be carried by the rider and presented to the judge for signature in the ring. Once qualification has been earned the completed card must be posted to the NPS Office for qualification to be verified.

We are happy to take membership renewals and applications over the phone. Please call the office on 01420 88333.

Please be aware that membership runs from the date of renewal until 31st December.